We acknowledge, with deep respect, the traditional owners, the muwinina people, of nipaluna/Hobart, on which we have the privilege to sing together.
For the muwinina people, nipaluna was their country. They knew this place and cared for their land, their sea and their waterways. They lived on this land and were part of the land.
Today’s palawa people walk where they walked. Their songlines trace back tens of thousands of years, and their music and culture flow through the beautiful bushland, beaches, rivers and the mountain streams of this island. We deeply respect and acknowledge that theirs is the oldest continuing musical culture in history.
We acknowledge the impacts of colonisation, and we stand for truth and recognition of the devastating consequences of invasion on the palawa people of lutrawita/Tasmania and all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island communities. We pay respect to their elders - past, present and emerging.